M's Poetry

Chasing Butterflies

Chasing Butterflies

I remember those palm trees,
their tops swaying slowly back and forth
in a wind that simply refused to die....
I remember following the lines
with my eyes until I could make out the green tops
against a blue backdrop
when the moments of laughter
never seemed to stop....

And you would wave...
say you would be back
and I believed you....
A child believes the oath of a word

I am almost in days
that stretch on in what seems like forever...
lazy summer days melting together
like the ice cream melting on my fingers
sticky imprinted days with night times
that only last as long as it takes us to gasp

I remember you still....
Sunday school lessons
and those old classic hymns
and we would just stand there singing
"Jesus loves me, I know"
"For the Bible tells me so"
and giggles in between
of little girly things
but that day you never made it home
and every since then
been coloring crosses and crowns

faith and anger....
Seventeen years later
it's just no wonder
in dreams still I find you
dancing in the grass,
sunshine and dandelions the supporting cast
I see you stop and look at me....

the world of disturbed flowers
settle back into their places on the grass
and I feel compelled to ask
in that little girl's voice
"What you doing?"
You stand there and blink
I wake up to only remember
it's just a dream

touching you
is just like chasing butterflies now....


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